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Paintball Safety

Paintball Safety

By June 16, 2012December 3rd, 2021No Comments

Many people are scared to try paintball because of safety concerns. Well, let me tell you that sedentary lifestyle is more fatal than playing paintball as Anna @BedlamPaintball discusses paintball safety.

The chance of getting seriously injured while playing paintball is on a par with getting seriously injured while bowling! Bicycle riding and golf both have higher incidents of serious injury. And if you play lacrosse, your chance of being seriously injured is more than 700 times what it is if you play paintball.

Play With People You Know

Bedlam Paintball School safety maskGet a big group together of people you know from school or work. Playing with people you know reduces the risk of some nut emptying his hopper into your head even after you say you’re hit. We’ve all heard the stories.

That’s not to say you should expect trouble if you play with strangers. Trouble is very rare, but as paintball gets more popular and more people join, there will inevitably be a few odd characters mixed in who will cause trouble. They’re the same jerks who cause trouble whether they’re on a hockey team or on the golf course. Has that stopped anyone you know from playing hockey or golf? Probably not. Just use your common sense and stay out of the way of someone who is obviously looking for trouble.

Insurance and Waiver Forms

Regardless of the above, paintball fields will still require you to sign a waiver for insurance purposes.

If you’re a player or the parent of a player and you’re concerned about personal injury insurance, contact your insurance agent before going into that field.

While there is a slim chance of getting seriously injured playing paintball, it has proven to be one of the safest sports and recreational activities that youths and adults alike can enjoy. Be sensible, play with people you know, follow the rules, buy paintball-specific equipment and play at fields that follow international paintball standards. Your chances of having an enjoyable day in the outdoors are better than with virtually any other sport or activity, including walking around the block!


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